By Pat Hackett
much has CO2 risen in our atmosphere due to anthropogenic (the result of human
activity) causes? This question is quite straightforward to arrive at a
reasonable estimate but it is interesting to see the attempts to arrive at
quite meaningless and far off estimates. This flawed method here is one by T.V.
Segalstad who ignores the effects of fluxes of carbon between the oceans,
biosphere and atmosphere when looking at carbon isotopes in the atmosphere.
first some basic facts:-
Changes in CO2 from preindustrial times to 2014.
industrial CO2 levels had been relatively stable for several hundred years at
around 280ppm and have risen since then to around 400ppm. Accurate measurements
for over 50 years form sites such as Mauna Loa show the increases since 1956.
(figure 1)
1:- Increase in CO2.
1 shows the net annual variation in CO2 due to exchange of CO2 between the
atmosphere and mainly the biosphere which,
over a single year, is much greater than the annual but
steady increase in CO2 due to anthropogenic emissions. This annual cyclic
variation can be attributed mainly to the growth and decay of organic matter in
the Northern Hemisphere.
volcanic activity has increased by something in the order of 50 fold, waiting
for the industrial revolution to start doing so, it is reasonable to assume
that the steady increase has been due to anthropogenic causes. 120ppm out of
400ppm represents 30% due to anthropogenic causes
can a reasonable estimate of around 30% be changed to a range of estimates from
somewhere between 0 and 4%? You may stumble across statements like this in some
web sites.
is a link that deals with the following issue:- The Amount of Non-Fossil-Fuel
CO2 in the Atmosphere-
and thus T V Segalstad arrives at the
following conclusion:-
"At least 96% of the current atmospheric CO2 comes from non-fossil-fuel sources."
this address the same question as:-
How much has CO2 risen in our
atmosphere due to anthropogenic causes?
V Segalstad would like you to think so and numerous other web sites/blogs by
the same author and others use the confusion to make further flawed
conclusions. For example:-
“Hence for the atmospheric CO2 budget marine degassing and juvenile degassing from e.g. volcanic sources must be much more important, and burning of fossil-fuel and biogenic materials much less important, than hitherto assumed”.
later cautiously worded conclusion follows on from a misinterpretation of the first
conclusion. The first conclusion (At
least 96% of the current atmospheric CO2 comes from non-fossil-fuel sources.)
in the above article may or may not be accurate. That is not the issue that I
take up here, however it may appear to lead to the (false) conclusion that our
atmosphere has only risen by 4% due to anthropogenic causes.
The flawed argument.
an analogy.
A bank note analogy:-
you deposited £100 notes in your bank and went back a week later to withdraw
your money and the cashier apologized and said only £4 of your original notes were
left in your branch of the bank so you can only withdraw £4.
this is not the mistake the author makes with the distractions of using the
science of carbon isotopes ratios? Yes the analogy is incredibly quite similar and
yet with this mistake, and a few others on the way, other false conclusions regarding
the half life of CO2 in the atmosphere and the % contribution of CO2 to the
greenhouse effect are then obtained. The confusion and false conclusions are
carried forward to another article by the same author, and can be read in the
following link.
industrial global carbon reservoirs.
These are given in figure 2 below. The main point
here is that the reservoirs in the biosphere and the oceans are much greater
than the atmospheric reservoir.
2:- Global carbon reservoirs.
The short term carbon cycle.
short term carbon cycle deals with the movement of carbon between the atmosphere,
the ocean and the biosphere. (The long term carbon cycle concerns the movement
of carbon from volcanic activity as a source and the sinking of carbon by both
weathering of rocks and the smaller but significant burial of organic carbon).
3:- Pre industrial carbon.
of carbon between the atmosphere and the biosphere and oceans is continual and
daily which is many times greater than the additional rate of CO2 from fossil
fuels over a single year. This exchange
is partly indicated by the net annual cyclic variations that you can observe in
figure1 above. However in relatively equilibrium conditions (without the
burning of fossil fuels) the net flow is on average zero. Although this is
never exactly the case, the approximation to this in pre-industrial times would
have been much closer to this as it is in post-industrial times.
4:- carbon 2014.
comparing the reservoirs of carbon from pre-industrial to present day levels,
figures 3 and 4, it is clear that the atmosphere has gained considerable carbon
(in the form of CO2). During this time there has been considerable exchange of
carbon into and out of the atmosphere, to and from the biosphere and the oceans,
as is always the case. However there will also be a net movement of carbon into
the biosphere and the oceans during this time due to the higher CO2 pressure in
the atmosphere.
Which molecules stay in the
is a slight difference in the ratio of carbon isotopes from fossil fuels
compared with that from the other sources. However since the ocean and
biosphere reservoirs are much bigger than the atmosphere reservoir, this
difference in ratio will be much diluted with the continual interchange of
carbon between these reservoirs. ( This
is useful for genuine scientific research in gaining further knowledge about
the short term carbon cycle. An explanation of using C13:C12 isotope ratios can
be read here ).
claim “At least 96% of the current atmospheric CO2 comes from
non-fossil-fuel sources” merely
focuses on which molecules (identified from the ratio of carbon isotopes) are
presently in the atmosphere and not how these ratios changed over time.
The C13/C12 ratio has been falling at a slower rate
than would be the case if there was no exchange between the atmosphere and in
particular the ocean. This should come as no surprise when the exchange is
considered but it is this that Segastald has ignored.
For the purpose of deciding “How much has CO2
risen in our atmosphere due to anthropogenic causes”, it should be clear
that focusing on which molecules are presently in the atmosphere does in fact
not address that question (This is similar to the analogy with the bank notes
described above). However, the false claim makes out that it does, with the
pseudo science of playing with the data of carbon isotopes. Then with the use
of that false connection, further false conclusions are made about the lifetime
of CO2 in the atmosphere.
Where has
the extra CO2 come from?
T V Segalstad suggests that the increase in CO2 as
shown in figure 1 above has come more from “marine degassing and juvenile
degassing from e.g. volcanic sources” and not from burning of fossil fuels.
If the extra CO2 has come from increasing marine
degassing then the oceans must have been warming at a faster rate than claimed
in many reports from climate scientists. I don’t think the author would
particularly likely you to reach this conclusion, but otherwise how would the
oceans start to have a net movement of CO2 into the atmosphere and what could
have caused this warming? It further leaves the question where has all the
anthropogenic emissions gone? This degassing, however, is not consistent with
the levels of ocean pH that has been falling but rather it would require the
reverse. It seems that this degassing of CO2 from the oceans is not a
reasonable explanation that fits with the evidence.
Volcanic sources.
I think it is beyond all statistical belief to
think that volcanic activity has been increasing at the rate equivalent to the
rates and timing of anthropogenic production since the industrial revolution. Furthermore
the increase in lighter carbon in the atmosphere would require this new
coincidental volcanic activity to be coming from the mantle. (The mantle is
believed to have a slightly larger percentage of lighter carbon). However this grasping at straws is not
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